2020 証道 (2/8/20 - 13/12/20)
13 December
11am Bi-lingual Sermon Audio 'And my God will supply all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus' by Bart [黃健翻译] [Philippians 4:14-20]
收聽 11am 双语证道 '我的神必照他荣耀的丰富, 在基督耶稣里,使你们一切所需用的都充足。' by Bart [黃健翻译] (腓 4:14-20)
WATCH Church Service on YouTube
9am English Service
11am Bi-lingual Service
6 December
11am Bi-lingual Sermon Audio 'I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me' by Bishop Peter Lin [馮桦翻译] [Philippians 3:7-16]
收聽 11am 双语证道 '我还要竭力追求, 或者可以达到基督耶稣要我达到的目标' by Bart [馮桦翻译] (腓 3:7-16)
WATCH Church Service on YouTube
9am English Service
11am Bi-lingual Service
1 November Watch 9am Church Service on YouTube ‘A Final Bid for Purity’ by Bart (Nehemiah 13:15-22)
11月1日 Watch 11am Bi-lingual Service on YouTube 收看双语崇拜 '追求圣洁的最后一搏' by Bart [谢天妮傳道翻译] (尼希米记 13:15-22)
25 October ‘A Final Bid for Purity’ by Bart (Nehemiah 13:15-22)
10月25日 '敬拜的喜乐' by Bart [黃健翻译] (尼希米记 12:27-43) Watch on YouTube
18 October ‘Joy of Worship’ by Bart (Nehemiah 12:27-43)
10月18日 '献上当纳的十分之一' by Bart [黃健翻译] (尼希米记 11:1-2; 20) Watch on YouTube
11 October ‘Bringing our Tithes into God's storehouse’ by Bart (Nehemiah 11:1-20)
10月11日 '重述旧故事' by Bart [馮桦翻译] (尼希米记 9:1-5a) Watch on YouTube
4 October ‘Repentance and Renewal’ by Geoff Scrimes (Nehemiah 10:28-39)
10月4日 '悔改与更新' by Bart [馮桦翻译] (尼希米记 10:28-39) Watch on YouTube
27 September ‘The Old Story Retold’ by Bart (Nehemiah 9:1-5a)
9月27日 '新常态 ' by Bart [黃健翻译] (尼希米记 8:1-18) Watch on YouTube
20 September ‘A New Normal’ by Bart (Nehemiah 8:1-18)
9月20日 '随着成功而来的试探 ' by Bart [黃健翻译] (尼希米记 6:15-7:5) Watch on YouTube
13 September ‘Temptations That Follow Success’ by Bart (Nehemiah 6:15-7:5)
9月13日 '完美的盼望与负担 ' by Bart [黃健翻译] (尼希米记 5:1-19) Watch on YouTube
6 September ‘The Hope and Burden of Perfection’ by Bart (Nehemiah 5:1-19)
9月6日 '改变带来的反对 ' by Bart [黃健翻译] (尼希米记 4:1-23 ) Watch on YouTube
30 August ‘Change Can Stir Up Opposition’ by Bart (Nehemiah 4:1-23)
8月30日 '合作和个人的责任' by Bart [王锦翻译丶孙莉朗读] (尼希米记 3:1-32 )
23 August ‘Cooperation and Personal Responsibility’ by Bart (Nehemiah 3:1-32)
8月23日 '希望的力量' by Bart [王锦翻译丶孙莉朗读] (尼希米记 2:11-18 )
16 August ‘The Power of Hope’ by Bart (Nehemiah 2:11-18)
8月16日 '化悲痛为行动' by Bart [黃健翻譯丶孙莉朗读] (尼希米记 2:1-9 )
9 August ‘Sadness can lead to action’ by Bart (Nehemiah 2:1-9)
8月9日 '悲伤是可以的' by Bart [黃健翻譯丶孙莉朗读] (尼希米记 1:1-11 )
2 August ‘It's OK to grieve’ by Bart (Nehemiah 1:1-11)
8月2日 '腓利门书 Philemon 解经讲道 ' by 阮桦长老 (腓利门书 1:8-22 )