Weddings at Penshurst Anglican Church
Thinking about a wedding at PAC?
* Visit us
* Meet the minister
* Book in a meeting
Here are a few things to consider before deciding on a wedding in our beautiful and traditional church building.

Visit us
First, why don't you come along one Sunday and take a look inside? It is a lovely building, but you might want to make sure it suits your needs and expectations. (View our church service times.)
Meet the minister
Second, while you're here, it's your opportunity to check out the minister and find out what sort of a person he is. I mean, you wouldn't want to be married by someone you didn't like. Please make yourself known to him after the service. Book in a meeting.
Book in a meeting
Third, make an appointment with the minister to discuss your chosen wedding date and see if it is available. Most weddings are held on a Saturday afternoon - first come, first served!
Finally, read through the following conditions applying to all applicants for marriage and see if you agree with them.
There should be a period of at least six months between the initial application and the actual wedding date. This is to assure that we have adequate time to do all the necessary preparation as outlined below.
The official "Notice of Intended Marriage" will be given to you at our first meeting. It must be fully completed and signed no later than one month and one day before the wedding. (I will eventually need to see your Birth Certificates for this, so start to get your papers in order.)
All couples must attend a compulsory, all-day Saturday, Pre-Wedding Preparation Course provided by Anglicare entitled "Growing Together". Details of dates and location of this course are available in a brochure from the church office. (Please note: Your wedding date will not be officially booked until you have enrolled in this course.)
Once the above course is confirmed, please make an appointment with the minister (view PAC contact information). At our first meeting, you will need to:
bring your receipt from Anglicare,
fill out the government's blue form - Notice of Intended Marriage (held in the church office), and
pay a $100.00 non-refundable deposit (out of a total fee of $950). Please visit "Hall Rental" for details on wedding charges.
It is the expectation of our church that your desire to get married in our building indicates that you have some sort of faith in God (however limited that might be!) We expect, therefore, that you will want to get to know God (and our church community) better as you prepare to get married here. That is why we encourage you to try and occasionally attend a church service at Penshurst Anglican Church. Perhaps the best service for young couples is at 11am.
An important part of your wedding preparation involves a better understanding of the Wedding Service. The fact is, you are choosing to get married in a Christian ceremony. Hence, we insist on your attendance at a 4-week course entitled "Christianity and Marriage". In this course, we will look at the wedding ceremony in detail and see the Biblical reasoning behind each part. Usually, this course is held on four consecutive Tuesday nights.
As we approach your wedding day, please make sure that all details concerning music, hymns, Bible readings, inclusion of other clergy, flowers, ribbons and the final order of service are determined in personal consultation with the minister. The remaining fees ($850.00) shall be paid in full at the rehearsal. If you desire an organist, another $100 charge is requested for the rehearsal and $150 for the ceremony.
The wedding rehearsal is usually held on the Thursday evening prior to the wedding day. Please try to ensure that the entire bridal party can make it.
For the sake of the serious nature of the ceremony, please tell your photographer that no flash photographs shall be taken during the exchange of vows. A stationary video camera is permitted.
We hope you feel comfortable with these conditions and that our church can serve you in all the spiritual preparations leading up to the most important day of your life!
Senior Pastor