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2020 Sermons (19/4/20 - 26/7/20)

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The Transforming Power of Prayer

26 July ‘Joining with Jesus in His Prayer ’  by Gaye Bishop (John 17)

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7月26日 '危机中的出路 ' by 姚正魁牧師  (以斯帖记 4:14-17 )

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19 July ‘Abiding in the Trinity’  by Carolyn Moore (John 14:15-27)

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7月19日 '两个律' by 黃偉華法政牧師 (罗马书 7:15-25)

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12 July ‘A Bigger Vision with Prayer’  by Gordon Fu (Ephesians 3:14-21)

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7月12日 '奉耶稣的名' by Bart牧師 [黃健翻譯丶孙丽朗读] (约翰福音 14:12-14, 约翰福音 15:15-17)

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5 July ‘In Jesus' Name’  by Bart (John 14:12-14, John 15:15-17)

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7月5日 '祷告的代价 ' by Bart牧師 [黃健翻譯丶孙丽朗读] (马太福音7:7-14)

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28 June ‘The Cost of Prayer’  by Bart (Matthew 7:7-14)

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6月28日 '祷告中的选择 ' by Bart牧師 [黃健翻譯丶孙丽朗读] (诗篇 1 篇)

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21 June ‘Prayerful Choices’  by Bart (Psalm 1)

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6月21日 '一场改变生命的对话' by Bart牧師 [黃健翻譯丶孙丽朗读] (路加福音9:57-62 )

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14 June ‘Engaging in a dialogue of transformation’  by Bart (Luke 9:57-62)

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6月14日 '回轉像小孩' by Bart牧師 [黃健翻譯丶孙丽朗读] (马太福音18:1-14 )

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7 June ‘Like a Little Child’  by Bart (Matthew 18: 1-14)

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6月7日 '祷告並不是... ' by Bart牧師 [谢天妮傳道傳譯] (路加福音18:9-14 )

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31 May ‘Prayer is not...’  by Bart (Luke 18: 9-14)

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5月31日 '不适宜的祷告 ' by 鞠艾森牧師 (路加福音18:9-14 )

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24 May ‘Prayer and self-discovery’  by Bart (Psalm 139:1-18)

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5月24日 '祷告与灵魂 ' by 鞠艾森牧師 (诗篇139:1-18)

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Rediscovering the Longings of Your Heart

17 May The Longing for Justice by Bart (Psalm 42:9-11)

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5月17日 '切慕公义 ' by 鞠艾森牧師 (诗篇42:9-11)

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10 May Mother's Day - "A mother’s noble ambition" by Tiny Tse (Matthew 20:20-28)

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5月10日 '亲节特辑:赢在起跑线?' by 謝天妮傳道 (马太福音 20:20-28)

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3 May The Longing for Meaning by Bart (Psalm 42:7-8)

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5月3日 '生命的意义 ' by 鞠艾森牧師 (诗篇42:7-8)

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26 April The Longing for Community by Bart (Psalm 42:4-6)

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4月26日 '切慕寻求敬拜' by 鞠艾森牧師 (诗篇42:4-6)

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19 April  The Longing for God by Bart (Psalm 42:1-3)

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4月19日 '切慕寻求神' by 鞠艾森牧師 (诗篇42:1-3)

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