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Online Children's Program

2020 Online Children's Program by Pastor Tiny


30 August Who is our opposition by Tiny Tse (Neh 4)

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8月30日 誰是敌人 普通话 by Pastor Tiny (尼希米記4章)

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8月30日 誰是敵人 粵語 by Pastor Tiny (尼希米記4章)

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23 August Rise up and build by Tiny Tse (Neh 3)

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8月23日 一起来建造 普通话 by Pastor Tiny (尼希米記3章)

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8月23日 一起来建造 粵語 by Pastor Tiny (尼希米記3章)

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16 August The Power of Hope by Tiny Tse (Neh 2)

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8月16日 希望的力量 普通话 by Pastor Tiny (尼希米記2章)

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8月16日 希望的力量 粵語 by Pastor Tiny (尼希米記2章)

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9 August Sadness leads to Action by Tiny Tse (Neh 2)

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8月9日 化悲伤为力量 普通话 by Pastor Tiny (尼希米記2章)

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8月9日 化悲傷為力量 粵語 by Pastor Tiny (尼希米記2章)

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2 August It's OK to grieve by Tiny Tse (Neh 1)

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8月2日 是可以悲傷的 普通话 by Pastor Tiny (尼希米記1章)

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8月2日 是可以悲傷的 粵語 by Pastor Tiny (尼希米記1章)

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26 July The 'Real' Lord's Prayer by Tiny Tse (John 17)

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7月26日 「主」的祷文 普通话 by Pastor Tiny (约翰福音17)

00:00 / 13:45

7月26日 「主」的禱文 粵語 by Pastor Tiny (约翰福音17)

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19 July Not Up to me by Tiny Tse (Romans 7:15)

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7月19日 由不得我 普通话 by Pastor Tiny (罗马书 7:15)

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7月19日 由不得我 粵語 by Pastor Tiny (罗马书 7:15)

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12 July Deeply rooted in God's Love by Tiny Tse (Ephesians3)

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7月12日 扎根在神的爱里 普通话 by Pastor Tiny (以弗所书 3)

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7月12日 紮根在神的愛裏 粵語 by Pastor Tiny (以弗所书 3)

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5 July Asking in His Name by Tiny Tse (John 14)

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7月5日 奉耶穌的名求 普通话 by Pastor Tiny (约翰福音14)

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7月5日 奉耶穌的名求 粵語 by Pastor Tiny (约翰福音14 )

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28 June The Narrow Gate by Tiny Tse (Matthew 7)

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6月28日 进窄门 普通话 by Pastor Tiny (马太福音7)

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6月28日 進窄門 粵語 by Pastor Tiny (马太福音7 )

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21 June Delights in the Word of God by Tiny Tse (Psalm 1)

6月21日 喜愛耶和華的话语 粵語
by Pastor Tiny (诗篇1 )

6月21日 喜愛耶和華的话语 普通话
by Pastor Tiny (诗篇1)

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14 June Following Jesus by Tiny Tse (Luke 9)

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6月14日 跟随主耶穌 普通话by Pastor Tiny (路加福音9)

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6月14日 跟随主耶穌 粵語by Pastor Tiny (路加福音9 )

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7 June Become Like Children by Tiny Tse (Matthew 18)

6月7日 回轉像小孩 粵語
by Pastor Tiny (马太福音18 )

6月7日 回轉像小孩 普通话
by Pastor Tiny (马太福音18)

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00:00 / 11:43
00:00 / 12:52

31 May Prayer is not... by Tiny Tse (Luke 18)

5月31日 禱告不是... 粵語
by Pastor Tiny (路加福音18 )

5月31日 禱告不是... 普通话
by Pastor Tiny (路加福音18)

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24 May God knows me by Tiny Tse (Psalm 139)

5月24日 神認識我 粵語
by Pastor Tiny (诗篇139)

5月24日 神認識我 普通话
by Pastor Tiny (诗篇139)

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00:00 / 12:52

17 May God, my rock by Tiny Tse (Psalm 42:9-11)

5月17日 神是我的磐石粵語
by Pastor Tiny (诗篇42:9-11)

5月17日 神是我的磐石 普通话
by Pastor Tiny (诗篇42:9-11)

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00:00 / 09:32

10 May A wonderful gift for Mom by Tiny Tse (Matthew 20:20-28)

5月10日 給媽媽一份上好的禮物 粵語
by Pastor Tiny (马太福音20:20-28)

5月10日 給媽媽一份上好的禮物 普通话
by Pastor Tiny (马太福音20:20+28)

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00:00 / 09:22
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3 May God shows His true lover everyday by Tiny Tse (Psalm 42:7-8)

5月3日 每天都愛我的神 粵語
by Pastor Tiny (诗篇42:7-8)

5月3日 每天都愛我的神 普通话
by Pastor Tiny (诗篇42:7-8)

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26 April Thirsty for worshipping together by Tiny Tse (Psalm 42:4-6)

4月26日 渴望一起敬拜神 粵語
by Pastor Tiny (诗篇42:4-6)

4月26日 渴望一起敬拜神 普通话
by Pastor Tiny (诗篇42:4-6)

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19 April Thirsty for God by Tiny Tse (Psalm 42:1-3)

4月19日 渴慕神 粵語
by Pastor Tiny (诗篇42:1-3)

4月19日 渴慕神 普通话
by Pastor Tiny (诗篇42:1-3)

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12 April What does Jesus' Resurrection mean to us? by Tiny Tse (Matthew 28)

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4月12日 耶穌復活了是什麼意思? 普通话by Pastor Tiny (马太福音 28)

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4月12日 耶穌復活了是什麼意思? 粵語by Pastor Tiny (馬太福音 28)

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5 April Is God's temple being cleared? by Tiny Tse (Matthew 21)

4月5日 上帝的殿被清理了嗎? 粵語
by Pastor Tiny (馬太福音 21)

4月5日 上帝的殿被清理了嗎? 普通话
by Pastor Tiny (马太福音 21)

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29 March 20 Could the end be near? by Tiny Tse (Matthew 24)

3月29日 日期近了? 粵語
by Pastor Tiny (馬太福音 24)

3月29日 日期近了? 普通话
by Pastor Tiny (马太福音 24)

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22 March 20 Paul preaches about God at Mars Hill by Tiny Tse (Acts 17)

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